Darkness Keeps Chasing Me piano and vocal cover by Kendra Dantes

How to play "Darkness Keeps Chasing Me" on piano, originally by Grace VanderWaal


Here are all the notes, chords, lead sheets and chord charts you could want to play this awesome Grace VanderWaal song just like Kendra


There are some songs that when I hear them, I immediately know I just have to learn them. Otherwise I can’t really focus on anything else. Darkness Keeps Chasing Me is one of those songs! It is hauntingly beautiful, like so many of Grace VanderWaal’s songs. Grace inspires me everyday to keep reaching for my dreams! If you like this video, please share it with someone else who you think might also enjoy it. Thank you so much for watching and for your support!!

Click here for the chord chart lead sheet

Here's Kendra's performance: