Beauty In Life original song by Kendra Dantes | Studio version

How to play "Beauty In Life" on piano, originally by Kendra Dantes


Here are all the notes, chords, lyrics, lead sheets and chord charts you could want to play this awesome song just like Kendra...


Beauty In Life is an original song that I wrote about my thoughts about the future and about life. It’s hard sometimes to know what to do in life, what choices to make. I believe if I never give up, I will be OK and I will find my way. I know I will fail sometimes. I know I will sometimes feel scared and unsure, but I cannot give in to the negativity from others or from my own head. I need to focus on my goals and stay true to my heart. Thank you for believing in me and for supporting me, for this helps me to believe in myself! I hope you will believe in yourself too. I believe in you!

Click here for the chord chart lead sheet

Here's Kendra's performance:

Lyrics for this original song:

Lyrics: Verse 1
Sometimes it's easy to feel doubt
It's easy to feel down
I'm not sure what will happen next
But I try my best and I'll do it all again
Pre Chorus
Someday I'll reach the top of the mountain
The peek of all my dreams and goals
One day I'll stand out in the crowd
The only one who's dancing around
But for now I'm still young and unsure
of what to do
It's time for me to learn and grow
To see the beauty in life
Life life life life life life
Verse 2
Sometimes it's OK to fail
But I know that I will prevail
Someday I'll reach the top of the mountain
the peek of all my dreams of goals
One day I'll stand out in the crowd
The only one who's dancing around
But for now, I'm still young and unsure
of what to do
It's time for me to learn and grow
to see the beauty in life
Life life life life life life
But I feel so stressed
when I don't know what's next
I just battle the monsters in my head
but if I stop and listen to the sounds of nature
the monsters stop to rest
and then I can't forget
Someday I'll reach the top of the mountain
the peek of all my dreams and goals
One day, I'll stand out in the crowd
the only one who's dancing around
But for now, I'm still young and unsure
of what to do
it's time for me to learn and grow
To see the beauty in life
Life life life life life life
The beauty in life
Life life life life life life
The beauty in Life